Years of
Expertise and
technical potential

Corporate relocation
We have a mobile team of people who are able to work fast even at night or at weekend and carry out the relocation of work stations within Krakow. Delta …

International relocation
We have a mobile team of people who are able to work fast even at night or at weekend and carry out the relocation of work stations within Krakow. Delta …

Furniture and equipment storage
We are in possession of a new warehouse adjusted to the needs of our clients which meets the highest standards for furniture, IT equipment, and …

Investor's supervision
Investor's supervision We know how to do it well. The Delta Movers company has been on the market for years. What does it mean? First of all, …

Office relocation
Office relocation. Choose a tried and tested team! Effectiveness is our priority It's our ambition to constantly upgrade our qualifications. …

Technical assistance
We have started the technical assistance service for our Clients. Relocation provides the opportunity to clean these areas which are normally …

IT services
IT services Choose the support of the top professionals The Delta Movers company constantly widens its offer. Our highly-qualified team of professionals …

Recycling - Utilization
Top level Recycling - Utilization We know the importance of recycling - utilization only too well. That is why we provide also this kind of services. …

Business and warehouse relocation
We have a mobile team of people who are able to work fast even at night or at weekend and carry out the relocation of work stations within Krakow. Delta …

Furniture assembly and maintenance services
Furniture assembly and maintenance services. Best for the job! What makes us stand out? Surely, the wide range of services we offer, which regularly …

Transport of exhibits
Efficient transport of exhibits requires special competence. Choose top specialists We have the expertise, the experience, and on top of that …

Top level carpentry The Delta Movers company has been on the market for years constantly expanding its offer. We take pride in our extensive …
Delta Movers - Comprehensive services tailored to the needs of Clients

The goal we set ourselves in the company is meeting the expectations of the Clients through ensuring highest quality services. Therefore, while creating our offer it was essential for us to include varied services in line with not only our business profile, but, more importantly, responding to the current needs of our Clients from Krakow and its surroundings.
We address our services to both private individuals as well as companies and institutions. We believe that among the services we provide such as business relocation, transport of furniture, furniture assembly, office relocation, storage, specialist transport, transport of strongboxes and safes, and many others everyone interested will be able to find the service to match their requirements and our company will be able to provide professional assistance.
Panie Dominiku, Chciałabym pochwalić wczorajszą postawę panów: Michała, Bartka, Mateusza, którzy przyjechali na prace meblarskie. Gdy zawiódł nas drugi kontraktor Panowie bez wahania zgodzili się zostać dłużej, aby wspomóc toczące się prace. Choć sytuacja była ad hocowa, dzięki nim udało nam się zamknąć wszystko w terminie. Doceniamy ten gest i jeszcze raz dziękujemy Pozdrawiam | Best regards
Dzień dobry, Chciałam serdecznie podziękować w imieniu firmy za sprawne zorganiozwane przeprowadzki. Z przyjemnością przekazałam kontakto do Pana znajomym, którzy planują w najbliższych miesiącach przeprowadzkę. Pozdrawiam
Dziękuję za dzisiaj. Akcja szybka i sprawna. Super! Pozdrawiam
I just want to thank you very much for job very well done in Krakow. Our fitter was very pleased with your fitters/you and the professionalism you have shown. This was indeed a success. Thanks again and we will for sure ask you again when we have a job in Poland and surrounding countries. Have a great weekend Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Panie Dominiku, Chciałam jeszcze raz podziękować Panu oraz Pana pracownikom za wczorajsze wsparcie-nie ma co ukrywać bez Panów różnie się to mogło skończyć.
Szanowni Państwo, w imieniu Muzeum Żup Krakowskich dziękuję za doskonałe wykonanie usług, dotyczących transportu i pakowania eksponatów wystawy "Władysław Skoczylas". Jednocześnie pragnę pogratulować Państwu znakomitego pracownika. Pan Bartek łączy sumienność w wykonywaniu obowiązków z wysoką kulturą osobistą, co sprawia że współpraca z nim staje się przyjemnością. Z przekonaniem mogę zarekomendować Państwa usługi.
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